



 今回は『おおきな木』、シェル・シルヴァスタインという人の作品です。作家の村上春樹さんが訳していますが、原題はThe Giving Tree で、やはり、日本語と英語では違いがありますね。訳者は、その題名だけでなく、絵と物語全体のイメージや中心のテーマも考えて日本語にすると言いますし。ぜひ、全体を読んでみて、The Giving Treeを自分の言葉で訳してみてはどうでしょうか。


では、以下に原書の英文を載せましたので、味わって読んでみましょう! 毎回絵本なのに文字ばかりでごめんなさい。それでも、何度も読んでいくと、頭の中に絵が浮かび上がってくるかもしれませんね。(私は現在『スラムダンク』を何度も読み返してます!)

                                                            英語科 C.I

The Giving Tree (1964年)

Once there was a tree…                                           


          she loved                  


           little boy.                                  

And every day                   

the boy                     

would come                                   







and make them                

into crowns                 

and play king of the forest.                               


He would climb up her trunk                            

and swing from her branches                             

and eat apples.                                         

And they                    

would play                               



And when                   

he was tired,                                

he would sleep                 

in her shade.                                      


And the boy loved the tree…                              

very much.                                       

And the tree was happy.                             

But time went by.                                       

And the boy grew older.                             

And the tree was often alone.                          

Then one day the boy came to the tree    

and the tree said, “Come, Boy, come and climb 

up my trunk and swing from my branches    

and eat apples and play in my shade      

and be happy.”                

“I am too big to climb and play,” said the boy. 

“I want to buy things and have fun.      

I want some money.             

Can you give me some money?”        

“I’m sorry,” said the tree, “but I have no money.

I have only leaves and apples.        

Take my apples, Boy, and sell them       

in the city. Then you will have money     

and you will be happy.”                                  


And so the boy climbed up the         

tree and gathered              

her apples                   

and carried them away.           


And the tree was happy.                                 


But the boy stayed away           

for a long time…              

and the tree was sad.            

And then one day             

the boy came back             

and the tree shook with joy         

and she said, “Come, Boy,          

climb up my trunk             

and swing from my branches         

and be happy.”                                        


“I am too busy to climb trees,”        

said the boy.                

“I want a house to keep me warm,”     

he said.                  

“I want a wife and I want children,      

and so I need a house.            

Can you give me a house?”          

“I have no house,” said the tree.       

“The forest is my house,           

but you may cut off my branches       

and build a house.              

Then you will be happy.”                               


And so the boy cut off            

her branches                

and carried them away            

to build his house.                                      

And the tree was happy.                                    

But the boy stayed away           

for a long time.                

And when he came back,           

the tree was so happy             

she could hardly speak.            

Come, Boy,” she whispered,          

“come and play.”               

“I am too old and sad to play,”          

said the boy.                 

“I want a boat that will            

take me far away               

from here.                  

Can you give me a boat?”                                

“Cut down my trunk             

and make a boat,”               

said the tree.                 

“Then you can sail away…          

and be happy.”                                        

And so the boy cut down her trunk                         

and made a boat and sailed away.                            

And the tree was happy…                                 

but not really.                                                 

And after a long time             

the boy came back again.           

“I am sorry, Boy,”              

said the tree, “but I have nothing       

left to give you-                                        

My apples are gone.”             

“My teeth are too weak            

for apples,” said the boy.            

“My branches are gone,”           

said the tree. “You              

cannot swing on them-”            

“I am too old to swing             

on branches,” said the boy.           

“My trunk is gone,” said the tree.       

“You cannot climb-”             

“I am too tired to climb,” said the boy.    

“I am sorry,” sighed the tree.         

“I wish that I could             

give you something…            

but I have nothing left. I am just       

an old stump. I am sorry….”                               

“I don’t need very much now,”        

said the boy,                

“just a quiet place to sit and rest.      

I am very tired.”              

“Well,” said the tree,            

straightening herself up          

as much as she could,            

“well, an old stump is good         

for sitting and resting.           

Come, Boy, sit down.            

Sit down and rest.”                                         

And the boy did.                                           


And the tree was happy.                     
