オーストラリア留学レポート No.4
1月の終わりから新学期が始まり、私はyr11になりました。日本でいう高校2年生です。新学期が始まり、1ヶ月がたちましたが私はずっと課題に追われています。私は、2つの数学と英語、日本語をとっています。2つの数学というのは、athematical MethodsとSpecialist Mathematics の2つをとっています。いわゆる、数1と数A的な感じです。Mathematical の方の課題が会社のロゴのカーブに1番あう関数を見つけてレポートを書くといったものです。日本では二次関数までは習ったものの三次関数と四次関数は見たこともなかったので苦戦しています。もう一つの数学は自分でゲームを作りそれについて説明するというものです。英語は1500文字のエッセイを書かなければいけないのでこっちの課題もそろそろやらないとなと思っています。
It has been eight months since I came to Australia. I can’t believe it that I leave here in four months.
I will miss my host family and my friends.
School started bsck late January and I went into grade 11.
This is the second grade in high school in Japan. I studying Mathematical Methods, Specialist Math,
English and Japanese this year. The two math clssses are like math1 and math A.
I am doing an assessment for both of Math classes now. My Mathematical Math assessment is to choose the company’s logo and search polynomials and write a report.
I have done a second degree polynomial before but I didn’t know third and fourth polynomials,
so it was very hard for me.
My specialist Math assessment is about games. I need to create a new game.
A new game that is like a casino game. I also have English assessment too.
It is harder than Math. I actually don’t want to do this, but I have to pass. I work so hard now.
I also stay at school after lesson and study three times a week.
My school has new Japanese students, so I sometimes talk and hang out with them on the weekend,
I hang out with my friends. I am always excited to hang out with my friends.
But I got a few assessments and exam, so I think it is difficult to hang out with them.
I know Japan is in the difficult situation now.
Please everyone, take care of yourself and keep healthy.
See you soon,