カナダ留学レポート No.8

カナダ(1年留学) Sさん

今月末…1月31日に私たちStudio9生は『The Bunker』という劇をやりました。この劇のために今まで衣装やバッグを作ったり、小道具の色塗りをしたりしました。私はメンバーの1人を演じました。舞台に出たのは2シーンだけでしたが、各場面で使う小道具やセットを準備したりと主に裏方作業をしていました。本番は学校の小さい子供達用と保護者用で2回ありましたが、どちらもとても緊張しました。けど、2回とも無事に終わりることができました。とっても楽しかったです!

Hello, from Canada.
I want to write about New Year day. But I don’t have to write much about new year day.
My host family didn’t do anything special as New Year’s events.
My host mother and father went out. My host brother went to his friend’s house.
My host sister and grandfather were sleeping. I thought, ‘Nobody do countdown?.’
So, I was waiting for the new year, watching the clock in my room.
I finally fell asleep on the way while waiting the new year.
It was thirty minutes past the new year when I woke up I was so disappointed.

By the way, I went somewhere school yard with my host family and Mango.
I played a sledge with my host sister and brother and mother and Mango. My host father didn’t play a sledge.
It was so fun!
I took a big math test. That tests were all sentence questions.
I was so sad because I don’t like Japanese math sentence questions. It was so hard, but I didn’t give up.
On January 31st, I played the drama ‘The Bunker’ with my classmates in the Studio9.
I made costumes and a bag and painted boxes for ‘The Bunker’. last week was very hard.
I played Bunker’s member. I played only 2 scenes. I set each scenes’s properties with my classmate.
I was so nervous. We played twice ‘The Bunker’ for children and for protectors. Both times ‘The Bunker’ were great succeed.
‘The Bunker’ were very fun. I was happy.
See you next month.
Thank you very much for reading my report.
