アメリカ留学レポート No.4

アメリア(1年留学) Mさん

一つ目は、Community serviceです。私の学校では10年生は一年の間に20時間ボランティアをしなければならないという決まりがあります。今月私が行ったcommunity serviceでは、クリスチャンモーテルのようなところの食堂の机や椅子のクリーニングや壁のペンキ塗り、子供用遊具の掃除などたくさんの物を綺麗にしました。
二つ目は、Universal studio です。ロサンゼルスに行きました。ここでは日本にはないアトラクションもあり、規模もとても大きいです。いちばん印象に残ったのはStudio tourです。映画やドラマの撮影場所も1時間かけて回るアトラクションなので、いろんなセッティングを見ることができました。
三つ目はThanks giving weekです。私の学校では1週間学校が休みでした。休みの前日には日本でいう小さな運動会のようなものもやっていました。Thanks giving ではBlack Fridayというとても大きなセールがあります。ですから今月末はとても大盛り上がりでした。

Hello everyone.
Four months passed when I came here.
This month was really fun.
First, Community service. We have to do twenty hours community service in a year so went to community service. It was to do clean desk and chair, toys and paint wall. I was really tire but some stuff said thank you for us, so I was really happy. After community service, we had chapel and then I listened song and lecture.

Second is universal studio. I went to Las Angels. There was really big. I enjoyed Studio tour, in there we can see the shooting location and TV studio. They took one hour so little longer but it is really fun.

Third is Thanksgiving week, my school was no school a week. Before no school, we had Turkey Trot. It’s like Japanese sports day. And we eat cake and lot of food. Specially turkey is American style foods so it was really good. At this week we had Black Friday. It’s like a big sell so we could buy staff cheaply. I bought lot of stuff because I didn’t much bring so much clothes. It was really fun.

California is famous for not raining so much but it rained three time for a week.
That’s why it’s very cold now so everyone, be careful not to catch a cold!!
Next month I have final exam and Christmas break so I’m really exciting and I have to make plan..

Thank you for reading.
