カナダ留学レポート No.6
カナダ(1年留学) Sさん
今月末には、Black Friday という大きなセールがあるのでとっても楽しみです。次のレポートにこのことを書くつもりです。
Almost two months have passed since I came to Canada.
I got a report card at the school. So, winter vacation is right in front of us.
There are Christmas lights everywhere because Christmas is coming soon.
It snowed this month. I`m so amazing because the climate is completely different from Japan.
Speaking of winter in Canada, ice hockey is a hot sport.
So, I watched a hockey game, which is Canadian sport.
We, international students were invited for free to this game by our school teacher.
Many people, from children to the elderly visited at the venue.
Most people had stick of hockey and mascot character which is team in the hand.
We really got excited when the opening begins.
The cheers spread out at one time.
The players were coming from the tunnel of the Ogopogo.
So, I felt that opening is Canadian style. I think I was able to learn Canadian culture.
I was able to watch a raging battle of the players near completion.
I watched hockey for the first time. It was very fun.
On the other day, I went climbing the mountain at PE class.
It was a long, uneasy road but time flew so fast.
It was because I sang while walking, and talked, took many pictures with my friends.
Second picture was taken at that moment.
Now I feel I made more friends and I talk with friends more often than the time when I just came here,
which makes me so happy.
We are going to have a “Black Friday” at the end of this month.
It is a very big sale.
So ,I`m looking forward to it from now on.
I will write about the sale in next report.
Thank you for reading my report.