オーストラリア留学レポート No.1

オーストラリア(1年留学) Aさん

オーストラリアに来てあっという間に 2 か月半が過ぎました。日本にいる時よりも時間がたつのが早く感じます。私が通っている学校は3学期が終わりました。これから 17 日間の短い Holiday になります。

私のクラスでは Speaking、Writing、Reading、Listening、 そして数学のテストがありました。テストは一日に一つ一週間にかけてありました。英語はすべて一緒ではなくそれぞれのテストがあります。また、テストが終わったら早く抜けてよく、時間が足りない場合は延長することができます。そして数学では問題の意味が理解できないと先生に伝えると、ヒントをあげるよと言われたのでヒントをくれるのかと思ったら、誰がみても答えというようなヒントをくれました。日本ではとても考えられないことだと思いました。




Two and half months have passed since I came to Australia, but it doesn`t feel like it has been that long.
My school has almost finished Term3, so I am going to have holidays for 17days. In Australia I have longer holidays than we do in Japan for the winter holiday.

This school also has 2 months summer holiday. I think Japan should have more holidays. Many international students say that the Japanese school holidays are too short. I say I think so too every time.

Last week my class had a speaking, writing, listening, reading and math exams. There was 1 exam each day of the week. The English exam is not just one exam in total, it was all different exams. I think my English is still bad and I still have to study more. Here if I finished exam early, I can move away. However, in Japan, if I finished early, I have to stay in my seat. Also when I can’t understand a questions, the teacher will give me some hints. The teacher said this is hint, but I think that is answer. But I think this rule is only international class. I want this to be the same in Japan. My International class here has many good students and teachers. I like them.

At home, my roommate made us sushi and some Japanese food, so I got to eat some Japanese food. I don’t miss Japanese food. I also go shopping, watch Japanese drama, talk together with my roommate.
I sometimes go shopping with my host mom, Every time we go I get to eat some sweets. I think I may get fat. I need to see if I can still wear my Japanese school uniform. But Australian food is very good. I like it.
I am having a very good time both at school and at home.

Next Term, I will go to local classes and on the year 10 camp. I am going to have great time.

See you soon.
