カナダ留学レポート No.1

カナダ(1年留学)  Yさん

カナダでの日々は今落ち着いてきて日々新たな発見出会いの連続です。私たちのクラス以外は今日igk での授業が終わり、いよいよ私たちも後一週間となりました。

Hello! How are you?
I’m enjoying Canadian life but sometimes I feel very sad because I miss my family.
I went to cafeteria with Chinese students!
They are very kind and funny students.
The other day, I went to O -lake cafe with my friend.
We talked Canadian life.
She said she also enjoyed home stay.
She likes chocolate very much and she ate chocolate cake.
My IGK life has finally finished.
My teacher sent me some gifts .
Her name is Alexandria.
I enjoyed IGK life very much.
I will miss IGK.
My new tutor teacher is Alexandria.
Alexandria is amazing.
I enjoy homestay very much.
I went to watch a hockey game with my host family.
It is my first time and they said hockey game is most popular sports in Canada.
Keely’s cousin was playing in the hockey game.
He is sixteen years old.
Canadian people (kids) are very tall.
I’m going to studio 9 from Septermber.
I think studio 9 will be harder than IGK.
I will study English more!!
Every day is hard, but should be OK.
