ニュージーランド留学レポート No.13

ニュージーランド(1年留学) Aさん


今月は印象的なことが三つありました。一つ目はMarist dayという行事で。日本でいう文化祭です。Yearごとに服装のテーマが決められており、私のyearはpunkでした。私はPunkに関連した服を持っていなかったので、ライダースジャケットを現地の友達とcityで買いました。ズボンは黒のスキニーを履き、アクセントには黒リップを付けました。黒リップは付ける機会はほぼないので新鮮でした。イベントだけでなく、準備中も楽しかったです。ホットドッグやピザ、飲み物などを売る屋台があり、私はチップスを売りました。緊張していたのでカップにチップスを入れて、ケチャップをかけるか聞いたときはちゃんと通じるか少し不安でしたが、返事が聞けるとよかったと内心安心しました。

二つ目は父の日です。ホストシスターが当日は祝えないということで2日前に皆で食事に行きました。ホストファミリーはほとんど食事に行かないのでどんなレストランに行くのかとても楽しみでもありました。早めに来たので私たちが入店したときはまだ空いていたのに、とても人気な店なのかあっという間に満席になっていました。なので、lucky だったねと言い合いました。それぞれが食べたいものを頼み、私はdumplingを頼みました。中にチーズやホウレン草のようなものが入っていてとても美味しかったです。ホストマザーに一番好きなのはどれかと聞かれたので、パスタだと答えました。これはpotato dumplingのようなものです。お餅に少し似ていてとても美味しかったです。



Seven months have passed since I came to New Zealand.I can’t help feeling that the time has passed very recently.

There were three impressive things this month.
The first is an event called Marist day. It is a cultural festival in Japan.
The theme of clothes was decided every year, and my year was punk.
I didn’t have clothes related to Punk, so I bought a Riders jacket with a local friend in the city. The pants were black skinny and the accents were black lip. The black lip was fresh because there was almost no chance to put it on. It was fun not only during the event but also during preparation.
There was a stall selling hot dogs, pizzas and drinks, and I sold chips.
I was nervous and I was a little worried when I asked if I would put a chip in the ketchup, but I was relieved to hear the answer.

The second is Father’s Day.
We all went to eat two days ago because the host sister could not celebrate the day.
My host family rarely went to eat, so I was really looking forward to what kind of restaurant I went to.
I arrived early so when we entered the store, it was still vacant, but it was very popular whether it was a very popular store. So I said that it was lucky.
Each asked for what they wanted to eat, and I asked for dumpling. There was something like cheese and spinach inside and it was very delicious. When my host mother asked me what I like best, I answered that it was ghinochi. This is like potato dumpling. It looked a rice cake was very delicious.

The third is a friend’s birthday.
The Dance class was the same child and I was listening to her birthday, so I decided to celebrate.
I gave her favorite sweets as gifts. It was good that we gave it to the day in the morning and happily met.

I’m lonely only three months away, but I’ll do my best!
