ニュージーランド留学レポート No.12

ニュージーランド(1年留学) Sさん


今月で印象に残った出来事は3つあります。1つ目は、Marist day という文化祭のような行事が学校であったことです。Marist dayでは主に、学年ごとの衣装を楽しんだり、屋台を回ったりしました。学年ごとの衣装とは例えば、私たちの学年はpunk と関連ずけた衣装を当日持参し、楽しみました。私は上はヒョウ柄のTシャツに、下は黒の短パンを履きました。また、アクセントとして赤いサングラスと黒リップを使用しました。黒リップは思っていたよりも真っ黒で最初は驚きましたが、滅多に付ける機会がないので新鮮でした。私のように1人ではなく、複数人で同じ衣装を着ている子たちもいたりと学校内はとても盛り上がっていました。屋台はピザやアイスクリーム、フルーツケバブ、ホットドッグなど沢山ありました。私のグループは、ポテトフライの屋台を担当しました。とても大繁盛で屋外まで行列が出来ていました。忙しかったですが、その分やりがいがありとても楽しかったです。




7 months have passed since I came to New Zealand. I can not believe that I have to back to Japan 3 months later. I think that the relationship with my friends and host family being deeper and it is good thing.

I have three impressive events in August.The first thing is that I had a Marist day at school. It was like a school festival. In the Marist day, we enjoyed the costume for each of years and walked around in the school mainly. What is for each of costume that all year 12 students brought the costumes related image with punk and enjoyed it. I wore a leopard pattern t-shirt and a black short pants. Also, I wore a red sunglasses and a black lipstick as accent. The lipstick was darker than I expected and I was surprised. It was fresh for me because I can not put on the lipstick for normal days. There was the people was wearing the same costumes with some friends not like me, and was so excited. There was so many stalls at the Marist day.For example, pizza, icecream, fruits kebab and hot dog. My group was in charge of hot chips. Everyone lined up from the indoor to the outside of the room.It was so much fun with busyness.

The second thing is that I played an hour with my host sister with a scooter. We found it in a road on my way to our house from a restaurant which is we ate that night. We were also doing dancing and filmed it. The next day of that day, my host sister overslept. And, she used the scooter from our house to her workplace because it was still there. She managed to get there on time thanks to the scooter.

The third thing is that I ate tiramisu which is my host mother made it. She made a coffee one and a chocolate one. It was delicious both of them but,I prefer chocolate one to coffee one because I can not drink coffee originally. My feel was like fresh because it was put the cookie inside of the tiramisu. Sometimes, I eat pudding,but the homemade tiramisu was my first time to eat, also it is my favorite sweets. So, I was so happy.

I will enjoy my study adroad life till last day!
