
オーストラリア(1年留学) Aさん



休日にはミュージカルや映画を観に行ったり、お菓子作りをしたり、友達とRiver Linkというショッピングセンターに行ったりもしました。

先週末にはGold Coastという場所に連れて行ってもらいました。Gold Coastにはホストシスターのダンスを観に行きました。ダンスを見た後、ビーチに連れて行ってもらいました。Gold Coastのビーチは日本のビーチとは比べ物にならないくらい、透き通っていてとてもきれいでした。しかし、オーストラリアは今、冬なので少し寒かったです。現地の人は泳いでいる人もいたので、日本では考えられないなと思いました。



Hey guys.

One and a half months have passed since I came to Australia. I’m often bewildered, but I’m having a good time.

I go to a local school. My school has 4 terms. First, I have lesson with only other international students. Next term, I can choose 4 local subjects to join. We mainly study English. We sometimes have Math, Science, ICT and PE lessons. International students are always kind and funny. They sometimes give me some snacks. And, I teach Japanese to the Chinese students, and I’m taught Chinese, so I have been studying Chinese lately. I know that I am here to study English, but I am excited to also learn some Chinese.

And, I have roommate from China in my homestay house. She is very kind, she helps me at school. She sometimes watches Japanese drama with me.

I watched a musical. It is ”School Of Rock”, and I watched the movie the “LION KING”. It was very exciting. Actually I could understand only a little bit of the English. I made many cupcakes and my host sister’s birthday cake with my host mom.

I have been to the River Link with my friends. River Link is a local shopping center. Last week was my host sister’s birthday, so we went to Dream World. Dream World is an amusement park, but I hate roller coasters. We rode 2 attractions. After that, we had a surprise party. She looked happy.

Last weekend, I went to the Gold coast. I went to the beach, but in Australia it is winter now and it was very cold. Australia has very beautiful beaches. I took many pictures with my roommate. I had a good time.

I am often confused, but I am also getting used to it little by little.
