ニュージーランド留学レポート No.10
ニュージーランド(1年留学) Sさん
留学してから最初の数か月は自分でも思ったよりホームシックになってしまって、夜になると寂しくて泣いたりしてましたが、2か月くらい前から完全にホームシックがなくなり、今ではもっとここで過ごしたいという気持ちで溢れています!! たまに日本食がとても恋しくなりますが、沢山の良い友達に囲まれて生活しているので、そういうことは直ぐに忘れてしまいます。昨日の夜、あと四か月しかここにいれないんだと考えた時に、ニュージーランドの友達や家族のことを考えて泣きそうになりました。本当にそれだけ良い人たちや環境に支えられて生活しているんだと実感しました。
私が今月印象に残ったことは、holidayで友達と沢山遊んだことと、ball というダンスパーティーに行った事です。
ball が開催されたのは、holiday前日の7月6日、夜7時からでした。このパーティーは私の通っている学校によって主催されたもので、学校の生徒と、生徒のパートナーが来れるというものでした。このパーティーでは、主にダンスをしたり、特別な撮影機器を使って沢山写真を撮ったりしました。夕食には豪華な料理がビュッフェ形式で出され、とても満足でした。このパーティーはなんと夜の12時まで続き、最後の1時間はとても眠かったです。終了後は各自の家族が迎えに来てくれ、とても快適で楽しい時間を過ごせました。
6months have passed since I came to New Zealand. I am worried about If I will surprise of difference New Zealand’s culture and Japan’s culture when I back to Japan. I was crying every night due to homesickness for a while since I came to here. It was terrible than I expected. But, my bad feelings were gone completely about 2months ago and now, I feel like `I want to stay here more!` Sometimes, I really miss Japanese foods but, I forget these bad emotions at once thanks to living with my so many wonderful friends. Last night, I was about to cry to think about `I can stay here just 4 months. I don’t want to separate my friends and family. ` I realized that I live in here with good people and good environment.
I have two impressive events in July. The one thing is that I was hang out with my friends many times. The another thing is I went to a ball. The ball was held in 6th July from 7p.m. by my school. It was the previous day of the holiday. Who could come to the party was just my school’s student and the student’s partner. In this party, we were mainly doing a dance and talking so many pictures using special machines. We ate buffet dinner in the evening. It was looks like expensive and so I was so happy. The party was continued until 12p.m. and so I was so sleepy the last one hour. I spent a really good and comfortable time because each of parents picked us up from the venue after the ball. The holiday started from the next day of the ball. I went to so many places during the holiday. For instance, in the movie theater to watching a movie, in the skating rink to play skating, and in the city to play dancing and so forth. In the movie theater, I watched `PET2` with my friends. It was about animal and It was so warm and funny story. Of course, I watched the movie with yum snacks from the supermarket. Also, I went to the city to play dancing even during the holiday. My dance friends are like my family. Also, They are essential for me to lead a full life. I will enjoy my life in here 4months more!!!