
ニュージーランド(1年留学) Aさん

ニュージーランドに来て、五か月が過ぎました。日本にいる時よりも時が過ぎるのが早い気がします。今月は久しぶりのschool trip がありました。科目はhome economic です。学校近くの中華料理屋さんに行き、クラスメートみんなで食べました。小籠包など中華料理ならではの料理がたくさんあって思わず食べ過ぎてしまいました。そのぐらい美味しかったです。デザートはバニラ味とマンゴー味のアイス餅でとても美味しく、もう一個食べたいと店員さんに注文している子もいました。中国人の友達も何人かいるので誘って一緒にいきたいなと思います。

Five months have passed since I came to New Zealand.
I feel that time passes earlier than when I am in Japan. This month had after a long school trip.
The subject is home economic. I went to a Chinese restaurant near the school and ate with my classmates. There were a lot of dishes unique to Chinese cuisine such as small rice bowls and I ate too much. It was so delicious. The dessert was very delicious, with vanilla and mango-flavored ice bowls, and some of the kids were ordering from a clerk to eat another. I have some Chinese friends so I would like to invite them to go together.
This is not a trip, but I had to change the physical education class suddenly and pick up trash around the school. As there is a park right by the school, I picked up the road to that point and the trash in the park. Because it only left the class time, I played on the ropeway in the park. I divided into two teams and competed for speed, and it was a lot of fun in the time when laughter is endless. another child and I were chosen because they were the ones who worked hard to pick up trash before returning to school. I was happy to have chocolate as a reward.
I can’t believe that half of my study abroad is over, but I would like to spend my time so I won’t regret it.
