
カナダ (1年留学) Mさん




帰国を目前にしてカナダで心残りがないように、ずっと行きそびれていたTim Horton’sに友人と行きました。あまり人がいない時間帯だったので店内でゆったりとした素敵な時間を過ごせました。
また休日にはTriple O’sという美味しいハンバーガー店を見つけました。その日はダウンタウン付近でお散歩するようなかたちで、普段滅多にお出かけをしないので良い気分転換になりました。

学校では着々とtheater weekに向けての準備が進められています。また、Final Presentation も後に控えているのでその練習をしています。どちらも最後を飾る大きなイベントなので楽しみと不安が混在しています。


The weather had been mixed up. Most days are both sunny and cloudy recently. Personally, the cloudy days are more comfortable in temperatures.

I had a host sister from Mexico for two weeks. We went shopping, made breakfast, and had a nice two weeks together. We also went camping before she returned to Mexico. We played table tennis and billiards at the playroom and we enjoyed canoeing the nearby lake. It was the first time for us nevertheless we returned safely! I think it was a good experience and it was enjoyable. After that, we got rid of our tiredness in our bodies in the jacuzzi. The following morning, we played badminton, soccer and basketball like little hard sports. I still remember that it was very glad to give a letter when I said goodbye to Eliza and she will miss me. Of course, I miss her too.
I keep in contact with her. I can not wait for the day when I meet her again.

I went to a fair in the middle of this month with my host mother’s friend’s family. It was good because we rode a lot of attractions with children and the children seemed very happy. My host mother had been hospitalized for a surgery, so I’m really worried about her. I want to make more nice memories with my host family before I go back to Japan, when her stomach gets well.

I went to Tim Horton’s with my friends. I really wanted to go there before I go back to Japan. It was a great time, because they are not too busy and we had a relaxing time at the store.
On the holiday we found a delicious hamburger shop called Triple O’s. After breakfast, we walked around downtown. It was a good change of pace as I would rarely go out to downtown.

We are steadily preparing for the theater week at the school. Also, I’m practicing for the Final Presentation. Both are a big event to mark the end of the school year, so fun and anxiety are mingled in my feelings.

There is only one month left, so I would like to complete without regrets my one year study abroad life.

Thank you for reading.
