

I have been here for about a months. Every day is new things, so it is hard. But it’s fun too. School started this month. I can choose classes in my school. So I chose guitar and art classes. Other classes include math, English, history, and science. History is especially difficult because there are a lot of new words. But my friends and teachers help me. My friend is interested in Japanese. So I teach her Japanese. Recently, they learned the words such as “kawaii” and “kuruma“. I am struggling with “r” sounds. My host family teach me how to pronounce. Also I had my birthday on this month. I was very surprised to find out that unlike Japan, big parties are held in America. I realized once again that America has many different cultures than Japan. We had festival called Peach Day in Hurricane. There were food stalls, parades and parties. And the fireworks went off and there was so much fun. This past month has gone by so quickly. So I want to cherish each day!!



また今月は私の誕生日がありました。アメリカでは日本とは違って盛大にパーティが開かれることにとても驚きました。アメリカは日本とは違う文化が沢山あるんだと改めて感じさせられました。今週はpeach day というハリケーンのお祭りがあり、屋台が沢山でていたり、パレードやパーティを行っていました。花火も上がりとても楽しかったです。

