I have only one month left until I go back to Japan. I feel sad thinking about being apart from my friends and I’m sure I’ll miss Canada.
There were some event this month. There was an event called Rebel Fest. It was like a Japanese school festival. There were many booths and foods. I joined as an assistant. We did face paint. I had a great time. The event was only after school so I feel like it’s short but it was good experience.
I talked with many people at that time. Even the person I met for the first time was able to have a better conversation than before. I did face paint for the first time so it was hard for me at first. However, my friend told me how to do this. I was glad I was able to interact with a lot of people. Also my friends came to our booth and they were pleased. I was also happy. I went to watch a Dance recital. My friends were dancing and it was lived up. Every single performance was amazing.
I went to whale watching as a field trip this month. I was able to watch many animals so I thought it was worth going.
I had a lot of presentations and tests this month. There are a lot of assessments because school is coming to an end. It’s also difficult. However, I believe this is a chance to put everything I’ve learned into practice. I have only one month left so I want to spend my time without any regrets.
留学生活も残り1ヶ月になりました。日本に帰るのが楽しみな気持ちもありますが、カナダで出会った人たちと別れる時が来ると思うと、辛く思います。5月は色々なイベントがありました。Rebel Fest というイベントでは、クラブの出し物や食べ物がたくさんありました。私はクラブの活動として、フェイスペイントをしました。たくさんの人が来てくれてとても嬉しかったです。初めて会う人とも、話ができたのでいい経験になりました。
また、学校で行われたDance festival を見に行きました。生徒だけでなく先生の出し物もあり、とても盛り上がりました。海外ならではの雰囲気でとても楽しかったです。