

It’s been almost four months since I came to NZ. I’m amazed at how quickly it went by. The second semester started this month. Nothing has changed and I’ve been spending my time as usual. However, this month I went to Wellington for a dance competition! Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. I’d like to write about that this time. Wellington is very far away from where I live in Auckland, about an eight hour drive. It would have been quicker to fly, but we all went by car because we were going to a dance competition. The tournament was called HHU and it was a very large tournament. There were 27 teams in our division, and competing against them was very challenging, but also a good experience. Our team successfully passed the preliminary rounds, then the semi-finals, and finally came in first place in the finals. It was my first time at this location and there were so many teams so I was nervous, but I’m really glad that we were able to finish safely with good results. I’m also grateful that the team has become closer to one another! The last big tournament is in early June, so I’ll do my best again in preparation for it!

Also, I met a host sister in Wellington. My host sister, who had previously stayed with us in Japan, lived in the town where the event was held, so she rushed over to the venue. Although we only got to meet for four or five minutes, I was very happy as it was our first reunion in four years. This time I went for a dance so I didn’t have time to sightsee, but I’d like to go again if I have the opportunity. This month has just flown by! I hope to continue enjoying my life abroad and continue to grow.



また、今月はダンスの大会でウェリントンに行きました!ウェリントンはニュージーランドの首都です。今回はそのことについて書こうと思います。ウェリントンは自分の住んでいるオークランドから車で8時間くらいでとても遠い場所にあります。飛行機だと早いのですがダンスの大会で行くためみんなで車で行きました。大会はHHU という大会でとても大きい大会でした。私たちの部門は27チームもいてその中で戦うことはとても大変でもあり良い経験にもなりました。私たちのチームは予選を無事通過し、準決勝も通過し決勝では1位という結果を残すことが出来ました。初めての場所、沢山のチームで緊張もしましたが無事に良い結果で終えることが出来てほんとに良かったです。またチームのみんなとももっと仲良くなれて良かったです!6月の上旬に最後の大きい大会があるのでそれに向けてまた頑張ってきたいと思います!


