There is only one month left to study abroad.
There were a lot of school events this month. At the beginning of this month, I helped students with disabilities play floorball games in ESL classes. It was a lot of fun to play with everyone after it was over and talk to the students from other schools.
I also made Japanese food with my friends and went to the beach for a picnic. Especially rice balls are popular, and I’m glad everyone enjoyed it.
In the cosmetology class, I went to an event where I could see various professions.
Also, this month, there was a big event called Multicultural Day, and all the students came to school wearing traditional costumes from their countries of origin, and I also wore a yukata to school. It was helpful that I learned well in the course at the school before coming to Canada.
There is only one month left until I return home, so I want to make a lot of memories with my friends so that I don’t have any regrets. Also, I would like to prepare for my returning home with plenty of time.
Cosmetology のクラスでは、様々な職業を見学できるイベントに行きました。一つの職業の中でもさらに細かく分けられて展示されていて、より細かく知ることができました。
また、今月は、Multicultural Day という大きなイベントがあり、生徒はみんな自分の出身地の伝統的な衣装を着て登校してくるイベントで、私も浴衣を着て登校しました。留学前の学校での講習でしっかり習っておいたのが役に立ったなと思いました。