

I really can’t believe that I have only 2 months left in my study abroad program. I still want to go out a lot with my friends and talk a lot.

This month I participated in the Badminton Club, Frisbee Club, and a grade 5-12 musical outside of school. At first, I was a little nervous because I didn’t know many of the people, but thanks to everyone’s kindness and friendliness, I quickly made friends with them and was able to make many new friends. In the musical, we sing and dance to mainly Disney songs, each about 5 minutes long. Just yesterday there was a 3-hour show for 5 days in a row. I was allowed to perform about 15 songs, including Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and The Greatest Showman, and I danced hard and performed well. For the show, we practiced and rehearsed until 9 p.m. every night, and there were a few times when I would get tired and tired, especially on the days when the show overlapped with clubs. At first I thought it might not be fun, but once I made friends and started talking a lot, before I knew it, I was having a lot of fun and I started to work hard. I am glad that I was able to make such a happy memory because we all cried and laughed at the end of the show!

In the food study class, we had a pie contest where we were divided into groups of two and each group had to make a pie of our choice. We chose the sweet potato pie, and although there were a lot of happening, we ended up with a very tasty pie! We are very disappointed that we didn’t win the first place. I’d like to try again.

My birthday was in April, and my friends surprised me with food and gifts. I didn’t expect such a big celebration, so I was very happy! I want to live my life with no regrets until the end because this is the only time I can have such fun!


今月はバトミントンclubとフリスビーclub、あとは学校外のgrade5〜12のミュージカルにも参加しました。最初は知らない子も多く少し緊張しましたが、みんな優しくフレンドリーに接してくれたおかげですぐに仲良くなれ、また新たに新しい友達をたくさん作ることができました。ミュージカルではディズニーソングを中心に1つ5分くらいの曲で歌やダンスを踊ります。つい昨日まで3時間のshowが5日間続けてありました。私は美女と野獣や、アラジン、グレーテストショーマンなど15曲くらい出させてもらい、一生懸命踊って披露することができました。そのshowのために、毎日夜の9時まで練習やリハーサルをすることが多く、clubと重なっている日などは特に疲労が溜まってぐったりしてしまうことも何度かありました。初めは楽しくないかもと思っていましたが、友達ができたくさん話せるようになると、いつの間にかすごく楽しく感じていて頑張ろうと思うようになりました。友達の存在はやはり大事なのだと改めて感じました。show も最後はみんなで泣いて笑って終われたので本当に楽しい思い出を作れて良かったです!

またfood studyのクラスではpieコンテストがありました。2人グループに分かれてそれぞれ一つ好きなパイを作ります。私たちはスイートポテトパイを選び、いろいろハプニングはありましたが、最後はとても美味しいパイを完成させることができました!でも結果的に1位には届かずとても残念です。また挑戦してみたいです。


