






   It’s been two months since I came to NZ. The time has gone so fast. I still can’t understand difficult English in classes at school, but I can understand more in everyday conversations than before. My homeroom teacher, my dance friends, my friends at school, and my host family have also told me that my English is getting better and that I can speak better than before. I’m very happy, and although I don’t really understand it myself, knowing that my English is improving little by little has made me want to work harder.

   I am taking HIP-HOP lessons at a dance studio in New Zealand. The biggest difference I feel from Japan is how to make facial expressions that look good on stage. I think people in New Zealand have really developed facial muscles. No matter how hard I try to make a facial expression, my teacher tells me to try harder, so I would like to make it my goal and learn how to make facial expressions properly. Also, when I first started, I had few English skills, so I couldn’t understand what my coach and teammates were saying and I caused them trouble, but little by little I started to understand and was able to communicate with my teammates. The number of dance practices has increased, which is difficult, but there is a competition in April, so I would like to do my best.

   In March, I went to many places with my host family. First, we went to a PiNK concert together. It was really fun and became a very good memory. The 24th was my birthday, so I was a little sad that I couldn’t spend it in Japan, but my host mom made a birthday cake for me until midnight the day before my birthday, and I received wonderful presents from my host family and friends, so all my sadness disappeared! My host mom also took me to many beaches that day. I’m happy that I was able to spend such a wonderful birthday. They are a really wonderful family and I love them so much.

   I also went to Auckland and did more outdoor activities on my days off than before, so I’d like to continue going to different places and making good memories with my friends.

   I’m not sure about my English ability, but they tell me I’m improving, so it must be getting better! I want to talk to more people and improve my conversation skills in English.
