

   It’s been about 7 months since I came to Canada. I feel impatient because the day of my returning home is gradually approaching. I’m very lonely this month because my friend who has been studying abroad for 3 months has returned home. Because the class has changed, I’m lonely because I have fewer opportunities to get involved with my friends who had the same class until semester 1. I’m going to invite my friends more actively. As soon as I return home, there is also an English proficiency test, so I’m studying for the English proficiency test. I’m getting used to the third homestay house, but I’m looking forward to the fact that I can go back to the second house at the end of this month. There were a lot of farewells with people from last month to this month, but I’m going to tighten up and get more involved with new people. Recently, I played games and had dinner as a farewell party for my returning friends. I’m very sad that I won’t be able to see them at school, but I’ll do my best for the rest of my school life hoping to see them again. Also, since the entrance exam is approaching, we also have interviews with the prep school once a week. I found out that there were a lot of preparations for the exam, which was a blind spot by myself, and I became even more nervous about the exam.

 カナダに来てから約7ヶ月が経ちました。段々と帰国の日が近づいてきた為焦りを感じています。今月は3ヶ月留学の友達が帰国してしまった為すごく寂しいです。授業も変わったためsemester 1までの授業が同じだった友達とも少し関わる機会が減ってしまったので寂しいです。もっと積極的に友達たちを誘ってみようと思います。帰国したらすぐに英検もあるため英検の勉強を進めています。ホームステイの3件目での家でも段々と慣れてきていますが、今月末に2件目の家に帰れるのも少し楽しみです。先月から今月にかけて人との別れが多かったのですが、気を引き締めて新たな人ともっと関わろうと思います。最近は帰国する友達たちのお別れ会としてゲームをしたりご飯を食べたりしました。学校で会えなくなることがとても寂しいけれどまた会えることを期待して残りの生活を頑張ります。また、受験も近づいてきている為予備校の面談も週に一回しています。自分だけでは盲点になっていた受験への準備がたくさんあることがわかり、より一層受験への緊張が出てきました。
