カナダ1年留学 Nさん
In February, I started to take classes at a higher level and my schedule changed. My teacher recommended me to go up to the class. I was glad to hear that. But I was nervous when I go to the new classroom. New classes are difficult for me. Sometimes I can’t use translation so I feel it is hard when I need to explain words that I couldn’t understand. Now, I also study things that I have never learned in Japan. Especially, science class is hard. I took the test when I go to the new class. It was hard but my Japanese friend and teacher helped me so I appreciate it.
But I want to improve my English so I’ll do my best and I was able to make new fried at the new class.
And my art work was displayed at the entrance. I drew the location of Japan. I got praise by my teacher and host mother. My teacher gave me a good score. I was so pleased.
I went bowling. It was first time for me to play it. I was able to make new friends but they go to another school so I can meet then only sometimes.
In February, we planned a donation for the animal shelter at the animal rescue club and held it at school. It used to be in the form of selling food, so it was not easy compared to that time, but I was happy that there was someone who would raise money. We are going to hold another charity event after spring break.
私の学校では必須の授業と選択の科目があり、私はもともと選択でart,photography,bakingをとっていたのですが、英語のクラスが変わるとともに、bakingのクラスがfood studyに変わりました。クラスで仲良くしていた子とは離れてしまい、作るレシピも難しくなったので大変ですが、新しい友達ができたので良かったです。新しい子と話す時に、最初に来たばかりの頃に比べて、会話に余裕ができて聞き返さなくても理解できることが多くなり、来たばかりの時よりも英語力が伸びた状態で新しい友達ができたことが嬉しかったです。