カナダ1年留学 Iさん
Six month have already passed since I came to Canada. I still have four months left until I go back to Japan, but I already feel sad. However, I think that life in Canada is fulfilling. And the remaining four months will go fast, so I’d like to do my best so that I don’t have any regret.
One month has already passed since my school started. I’m getting used to new classes and the new timetable. Also, there was a cake contest on Valentine’s Day this month, and I made a cake together with the members of the ESL class. I took chemistry, mathematics, ESL, and gym classes on the first semester. On the second semester, I decided to take classes such as religion, makeup, mathematics, and ESL. However, I am going to take university entrance exams this year once I go back to Japan, so I don’t just want to play with my friends. I also want to study and prepare for the exams a little more from now on.