
カナダ1年留学 Mさん

February is almost over. This month, I started a new semester and participated in an off-campus program, and I feel like I have made a lot of new friends. I feel that I am greeting new people or people I have never talked to before with “Hi!   Also, I am able to give a hug to my friends as soon as I see them in the morning as a normal way to start the day. Things I was embarrassed to do in Japan came naturally. Even if I have only spoken to a friend for a short time, when they call my name and wave or smile at me, I feel very happy that they are opening their hearts to me.

My host mother invited me to a big camp for 3 days and 2 nights, I volunteered at a wrestling match, and I joined a performance program where we sang and danced together every Sunday. The most memorable event was the camp, where we were divided into four teams and had a lot of fun playing games and doing activities. However, it wasn’t all fun and games, and I sometimes felt depressed when I couldn’t communicate in English. At such times, my friends around me encouraged me and helped me many times. I felt from the bottom of my heart that I was truly blessed with kind people. I was able to grow a lot in terms of my feelings during this camp.

I want to enjoy my remaining study abroad time and make a lot of memories.


2月がそろそろ終わろうとしています。今月は新しいセメスターが始まったり、校外のプログラムに参加したりとまた新たに友達の幅がぐんと広がったような気がします。カナダに来た最初の頃よりも、初対面の人、話したことのない人でも自分からHi! と挨拶をしたり、抵抗なくどんどん話しかけにいったりすることがすごく増えたと感じています。また学校で朝、1日のスタートとして友達に会ったらすぐに挨拶のハグをすることも当たり前のようにできるようになりました。日本では恥ずかしいと感じていたことがこっちに来て自然とやっている自分に気づき、少しずつでも思い描いている自分に変われているんだなと実感しました。少ししか話したことのない友達でも名前を呼んで手を振ってくれたり、にこっと笑ってくれると私に心を開いてくれているんだとすごく嬉しい気持ちになります。


