
ニュージーランド留学 Sさん

“It’s been about a month since I came to NZ. The busy days continued, and the days went by so fast. At first, I couldn’t understand the words, and even though I was able to organize what I wanted to say in my head, I couldn’t translate it into English, and I couldn’t convey it well. However, my host family politely told me many times until I understood it. Also, my host family helped me get used to my new life a lot. Every day, I’m glad they’re really kind. Also, when it comes to meals, I often eat vegetables harvested in the kitchen garden. Also, there are chickens and sheep, so I get fresh eggs from chickens, and lamb if it is fresh from sheep. When I ate a meat pie, my host mom told me that this meat is lamb and our sheep’s meat, and it was a good opportunity to eat and thank pets as living things for the first time.

Talking about my school life, I needed to fit in the new class and classmates from scratch, so I do not know what to do, but everyone at school was kind, and I was relieved. But I realized once again that it wouldn’t change if I don’t act by myself. What I am going to talk about next is the timetable that I thought was different from Japan. In Japan, it is the same timetable for one class, but in NZ, there is a timetable for each person, and I study with different friends in each class. I thought it would be nice to be able to choose the subjects I wanted to learn by myself. I’m going to write about NZ classes. The school is a really free and self-paced school. Every time I watch YouTube in my Math class, I feel like I’m trying to solve problems, so I’m really relaxed. Also, in physical education classes, there is a game that does not exist in Japan, and I play games that I don’t know the meaning of. For example, carrying a person from the start to the goal with a piggyback or hug regardless of gender. Because it’s NZ, I often play games called rugby and netball. Also, I don’t know why, but students take off their shoes in PE class, so I do basic physical education barefoot.

Finally, it’s about the climate. The summer in NZ is not too hot, and the weather is very comfortable. Also, I was surprised at first that the sun didn’t set until around 20:30 in the summer. So it’s strange that I’m eating dinner even though it’s bright, and before I knew it, it was like 10 o’clock and I have to go to bed! That was the first thing. I can’t talk at all yet, and most of the time I don’t know what I’m saying, but I want to think about myself in a few months and continue to talk a lot and act actively.”





