
カナダ1年留学 Nさん

At school, there was a cold was going around and I was not feeling well. At that time, I worried about many things. I had to tell my situation to my host mother in English, so I was very tired. In class, we cooked Yakisoba for our classmates. There are a lot of international students from many different countries so I can learn about many cultures. I think it will be a good experience for me.

 I used to stay at home a lot of when I didn’t have any plans. However the other day, I went for a walk as recommended by my host mother, and I found a new park near my house. The park is big and a good place, so I was able to relax there. Now, I often go there on weekends.  I also talked with a stranger near the park. She was very kind so I was glad. I was able to have a conversation without thinking about the words in Japanese before I started the conversation. I asked the person at the station about a train when I went to school for the first time, but I was nervous so I couldn’t without thinking about the words in Japanese before I started the conversation. So, I was able to feel the growth in my speaking abilities. I was glad. I would like to speak English more, but sometimes, the English doesn’t come out.

These days, I study slang and English that can be used in English conversation. I tired watching a lot of English dramas and movies. I’m trying to read an English book. I bought a book that I liked .I think I can learn English without difficulty and have fun by reading a book that is suitable for my level. I’m very glad when I can actually use slang in a conversation.

Christmas is coming soon, so I’m looking forward to it.







