カナダ留学レポート2018* NO.24



春休み中は、ずっと行きたかった近所のジムに行ったり、春休み明けから始まる部活のためにCity Parkという公園のテニスコートでテニスをしたりしました。カナダに来てからあまり運動をしていなかったので筋肉痛がかなり続きました。



Hey guys.

I spend Canada about eight months. I can stay here about two months. I cannot believe that. I am so sad. I want to stay here more.

Spring break started the second half of March. The school will start again April 1st. I am so exciting.

March 14th is white day in japan right? But, Canada is Pi day more popular than White day. I think.

Most teachers were wearing π t-shirt that day. When I took a math class, math teacher gave out pie for us. It was so delicious.

During spring break, I went gym, I played tennis in city park and so on. I enjoyed these things.

I really wanted to go to gym. I went to therefore the first time in my life. So, I think I had good experience.

I did not do sports long time. So, my body got of shape. And when I played tennis, I had muscle pain. I was so surprised it.

When I went to junior high school I was a member of soft tennis club. I will on a tennis club. These are different.

I could not play well. But, in addition to club activities, I am also committed to play it with my friends. And then I hope I can play it well.

I don’t know still so much things. So, I want to know more about Canada. Until when I go back to japan. And then I want to find new things.

Thank you for reading.

