
アメリカ1年留学 Fさん

It’s been three months since I came to America. I’m getting used to life in America and school. What I still don’t understand in school is “Bible.” This class is conducted using the Christian Bible.

In other classes, I sometimes forget to do the homework because I couldn’t catch the notice. Sometimes I try to submit it late the next day. I was able to spend time comfortably at my host family’s house, I’m really happy that my host family treated me like a real family member. I have a host sister who is 12 years old on her birthday, and we always eat snacks and do homework when we get home from school,

Sometimes they help me with my homework! l will go to Florida where my host mother’s sister lives, on Thanksgiving in November next month! l am really looking forward to it and I am thankful to my host family for taking me to various places every time!!


ホストファミリー宅でも本当に快適に過ごせていて、彼らは私に対して本当の家族のように接してくれて本当に嬉しいです。私には回じ誕生日で12歳のホストシスターがいて、いつも一緒に学校から帰ってきたらスナックを食べたり、宿題をしたり、たまに私の宿題を一緒に考えてくれたりもしま す!来月11月にあるThanksgiving Dayにはホストマザー の姉が住んでいるフロリダ州に一緒に行きます!!本当に楽しみでいろんな場所に連れて行ってくれて毎回感謝をしています!!

