カナダ留学レポート2018* NO.20
ホストブラザーは3歳で、家でも、学校から帰ってくると、ゆつきと言えないのかHi . Kiki!といつも挨拶してくれます。一緒に映画を見たりたまに私の部屋に来てくれたりと懐いてくれています。
Two month has passed since I came to Canada. I have also got used to living in Canada.
I sometimes feel that studying in IGK is a little difficult, but it is very fulfilling. I have a test every Friday to try hard to get a good score. I went to Studio 9 on March 4th.At Studio9, I was surprised to hear music and eat food during class. But I had a good experience. On the last day, I also presented about Japan and learned a lot.
The host family is also a nice person and I enjoy myself every day. Here’s a little bit about the host family
When I go home, my host mother will ask me a lot of questions about the school and after the test.
Also, on a late day after the ballet, the host mother comes to pick me up. She is very kind.
The host father makes dishes and when I’m sick he comes to the room and asks me if it’s all right.
Host Father spoke so fast that it was hard to understand at first, but recently I’ve been able to understand it.
My host brother is 3 years old. When he meets me at home, he says hi Kiki! I’m very fond of watching movies together and occasionally coming to my room.
My host Sister has just turned one year old.
She has recently become able to walk, and when I’m in the living room or in the kitchen she walks to me. She is very cute.
There are also cats. The cat is very big. He sometimes waits in front of the door when I get out of the toilet.
In the past month and a little while, we had the birthday of host sisters and host father.
I gave chocolate on the birthday of my host father and stuffed toys on the birthday of my host sister.
They were very happy.
I came to Canada and found my favorite shop. It’s a bubble tea shop, and it’s more delicious than in Japan shop.
There are three weeks left, but I would like to learn English more.