カナダ留学レポート2018* NO.19

Spring breakが始まって気温が上昇し、暖かくなってきたように感じます。以前、路面に広い範囲で薄く氷が張っていたところがあったのですが、その氷も溶けていました。中々溶けなかった雪がなくなっていく様子は、少しずつ変化していることを物語っているように思えました。

休みに入る前にプレゼンテーションが行われました。カナダの現地校へ通い始めてから3度目のプレゼンテーションでした。Earth Science でのプレゼンテーションだったので、地層や化石、地震などについて、各自スライドショー中心にプレゼンしました。個人的にはまだまだ慣れていないので、もっと発表時や内容の纏め方に改良が必要だと感じます。



また、お菓子作りにハマりプリンやメレンゲを作ったり、1000ピースのパズルを完成させたり、churchでお手伝いをしたりと、とても充実したspring breakを過ごさせて頂いています。よくホストブラザー達と一緒に遊ぶのですが、その際に彼らの成長を見ることができることがとても嬉しく思います。残り3ヶ月を切りましたが、一日一日を大切に過ごしていきたいと思います。

The temperature is getting warmer at the beginning of spring break. Previously there was a tiny lake that is made of thin ice on the road but it did melt. I thought that it’s telling us “spring is not too far.”

I had a presentation before entering spring break, I have done two presentations since I came to Canada.

I presented about fossils, because we had to do it about Earth Science. In addition, we could choose story’s about layers of the earth, fossils, earthquakes, and so on, we had to use each slideshow. I didn’t used to presenting, so I felt that my presentation needed improvement with contents and details.

I went to a party with my friends and host family. There were children and babies, we played catch ball and explained about toys. So I spent a nice day with my friends and the children. Recently, one of the days was really nice, I went tubing for the second time. I went there in the evening the last time, but I went in the daytime this time, however I saw different landscapes then last time. Hence, this time the snow was very dazzling, but I could take a lot of beautiful photos. It was a memory in my life.

Also, I have enjoyed cooking lately. I made puddings and meringues. That is my way of refreshing now. I’m doing a puzzle of 1000 pieces. Then, I helped in the preschool at my host family’s church. It is in a movie theater. I have gained practice by playing with my host brothers. I’m having a nice spring break.

Thank you for reading.
