



Spring Breakに入ったらシアトルに2日間旅行に行くとホストファザーが登校の車の中で話してくれました。朝は6時くらいに起きて3時間かけて行くそうです。早起きは嫌いですが新しい場所に行くことは大好きです。ホストマザーがいろいろ計画を練っているみたいで2人が今まで食べた中で1番美味しいインド料理屋さんにも行くそうです。


週末には、もうすぐホストシスターに3人目の赤ちゃんができると言うので旦那さんのお姉さんのおうちに集まりBaby Showerをしました。

Baby Showerとは妊婦さんの出産を祝い行うパーティー行事です。





月の終わりにはWorld Historyの先生から「今度日本についてのプレゼンテーションをしてくれないか」と頼まれ、次の週にクラスメイトの前で日本についてのプレゼンを行いました。地形や元号、新年や宗教、干支についてなど特に反応が大きかったのは日本語についででした。



Finally,Japanese exchange students are coming.

I think they are shy. They always with each other and speaking Japanese whenever they go. I worry about it ‘cause it’s important to make American friends and speak English for us such like exchange students.

I think they need more effort. I know it has not been long since they came to here and it’s mean what i’m saying but I was trying those for this six months at least.

They are three months students. So they need more effort than me if they wanna improve their English skill for three month.

One of boy is very good and his english is so good but another boy, he really get on me nervous.

He always fall asleep during class and we took test but he said “I don’t have to this test right? ‘cause this test won’t count my grade and we are exchange students right?” then he slept.

I thought, “What!? Why did you come here. You came to here to learn English. didn’t you?”

I think even if you don’t understand and can’t answer, should do your best. We came to here for that reason. It’s so rude to other students.

I’m tired and sick of his behavior.

There was an earthquakedrill during lunch before, but I was in the restroom at that time. So I couldn’t hear and notice that. Everyone said ” Where’s fumika!?” I went outside. It was soooooooo embarassing.

Next day, we talked about that during ESL.

Japanese boy said “you almost died because of earthquake.” That’s ture.

I’m into prank TV program called “What would you do?” on youtube these days.

It’s kinda a little bit old American TV program but it’s funny because what kind of reactions people will react depends on themes.

It will soon be Spring Break. I can’t wait. It will be so much fun. It’s a good thing to go to various place in America while studying abroad. I want to have a lot of fun.

See you next.

