アメリカ留学 Kさん
I arrived in Oregon five month ago. I have done in my fifth month in the USA. I feel long and short time for the past five months. Living while getting used to language barriers and environments was the hardest thing in my life so far. I was able to realize the importance of communication more than before studying abroad. I’m still suffering from the difficulty of pronunciation and idiom, but I will continue to do my best while being taught by my friends and host family.
This month, there were two dance competitions and two performances were held respectively.1:Using the boxes.2:Using the phone. In the first competition, 1:We got the second place and 2:we got the first place. In the second competition, 1:We got the first place and 2:we got the second place. I was very frustrated by a narrow margin of 2 points from the school of first place, but we are also preparing for competition in March, and we can fight again with the school of the first place, so we are practicing hard so that we will get the first place next time. Also we have been decided to participate in a very large State Competition, and we will perform the same routine. This is the last time I can dance as this dance club, and my goal now is to get the first place in this State Competition.
In our school, there was a one-week event called Spirit Week. The topics are 50s, 70s, 80s, and 90s. Also, our school is decorated and the clothes designated from Monday to Friday. The Friday, we did competition of each other grade in the school, Freshmen used 50s, Sophomore used 70s, Juniors used 80s, and Seniors used 90s songs to dance and competed. We juniors got the second place. Every grade was very high quality and very interesting to watch. I can’t do such an event in Japan, so I positive activity and enjoyed this week.
It snowed so much that schools were closed in Oregon. I played with the snow, but more than that, I watched Walking Dead with the host father. This drama is very grotesque, but I like grotesque dramas and movies, so I’m very addicted to it now. I’m watching until season 5 now but I’m about to go to season 6.
I have a lot of plans again next month, so I’m really looking forward to telling you guys. See you again next month.
私たちの学校ではSpirit Weekという1週間行われるイベントがありました。お題は50s、70s、80s、90sです。学校もそれにちなんだ飾り付けがされ、月曜日から金曜日まで指定された洋服を着て登校しました。また、金曜日には学年対抗でフレッシュマンは50s、ソフトモアは70s、ジュニアは80s、シニアは90sの曲をそれぞれ使い、ダンスを踊り競い合いました。私たちジュニアは2位を獲得できました。どの学年もとてもクオリティーが高く、見ていてとても面白く、楽しかったです。このようなイベントは日本では味わえないことなので積極的に行動し、この1週間を楽しみました。
オレゴン州では学校が休校になるほどの雪が降りました。少し雪で遊んだりしましたが、それよりも私はホストファーザーと一緒にWalking Deadをずっと見ていました。このドラマはとてもグロテスクですが私はグロテスクなドラマや映画が好きなので今とてもハマっているドラマです。今はシーズン5まで見ていてもうすぐシーズン6に行くところです。