アメリカ留学 Tさん
Happy Newyear!! The first month of 2023 was busy for me. I’m back to school after winter break. A few days after the break, I felt tired a lot. But two weeks later we had finals which mean we take exams in the middle and end of the semester in Japan. The extent of the exam and how we took the exam were different for each subject. For example, I had to make an essay in world history class as an exam. I also had stations in English class. In other class, they had a presentation. It was my first final so I was so nervous. But I tried as much as I can. The most difficult subject was biology. It’s because there is so much information and of course, I had to remember all words and meanings and understand them. It was a challenge for me. However, I got a good score on a concept test before the biology final. That is why I had a little bit of confidence. I’m interested in the subjects which I already have studied in Japan and I was not good at. The reason I can study positively is that my friends always help me after school or after back home by text.
These days I enjoy talking with my friends a lot. It’s because I can understand what people talk and I can answer what people say to me. I definitely feel my English is better than before.
I can’t understand everything in class yet, but it is much better now.
The day I’m going back to Japan is getting close. Some of my friends said to me “I’ll miss you” and “You should be here next year too”. I’m so happy to have friends who told me like that.
I want to do my best every day and have a lot of fun time.
帰国が現実味を帯び始めてきていますが、“I will miss you“ ”You should be here next year too“と言ってくれる友達がいます。素敵な友達を持つことができて凄くうれしいです。