
①アメリカ留学レポート Kさん



そして、私はホストファミリーと一緒にプール、ジム、音楽イベント、海、映画館、Estates sales など多くの場所に行きました。私はEstates sales が大好きです。日本のフリーマーケットと少し似ています。






I arrived in Oregon 1 month ago. I have done in my first month in the USA.I would like to tell you about the things.

When I arrived in America, my host family greeted me kindly .And I ate very delicious dinner. Then I met another exchange student. She and I share a bedroom.  She speaks English very well and is very kind. I want to be like her. we became friends next door with girl. She likes BTS as much as I do.

And then I went to a lot of places with my host family. For example, the pool, gym, music event, the sea of The Goonies , movie theater and estate sales etc. I love estate sales. It is a little similar to the free market of Japan.

Two weeks later, I started school and club activities. I felt nervous on my first day of school but I enjoyed school because the students and teachers are very kind. I have AlgebraⅡ, Into on Catholic, Forensic science, PE, US History, English and Study Hall classes. These are very difficult. Especially US history. But the teacher is very kind. I joined the dance team. I like it because it is dance that feels different from TJGDC. But I love TJGDC dance the most lol Then we had a dance performance in school. And we will perform at the halftime show of the football games on September 30th and there will be a competition in November. I’m so excited.

I enjoyed every day, but I feel sad because I struggle because I still cannot listen, speak, read and write English well.

But I am making many friends and I think listen and speak better when I arrived in America. So I will do my best and I will write good news on my next report.

②アメリカ留学レポート Kさん






その後、私はホストマザーとウクレレを演奏しました。とても楽しかったです。彼女はギターを弾くことができるので、上手に弾くことができます。私たちは「きらきら星と「真珠の殻:Burl Ives」を演奏しました。「きらきら星」は最初は難しく感じましたが、徐々に簡単になりました。「真珠の殻:Burl Ives」はとても難しいです。私は少し演奏できます。私はウクレレが好きになりました。





I arrived in Oregon 2 month ago. I have done in my second month in the USA.

I feel very fast this month because there was many enjoy things.

There was rest 5 days in school. I felt so happy but I had a lot of homework, dance practice, dance performances and watch football game.

I went to Hawaii with my host family 1 week. I was so excited.

We played swim in the pool and ocean every day. So my skin color changed blown. I feel good because I tasted Hawaii. And I played Yoga but I couldn’t do every day because I couldn’t got up morning. I really did want to do Yoga because It makes me feel better in the morning.

Then I played Ukulele with my host mother. It was so fun. She can play it well because she can play the guitar. We played “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and “Pearly Shells by: Burl Ives”. “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” felt difficult at first, but gradually it became easier to feel. is so hard. I “Pearly Shells by: Burl Ives” can play little bit. I like Ukulele.

And then we went to Waikiki. So beautiful place. I love this part is Waikiki beach. I did something like surfing when I entered the sea.

It was a very happy week!!But this week, there was something like a party called “Homecoming” at school. I’m sad that I couldn’t join it, but I’m glad that there seems to be something similar again next time.

On the 28th, I performed as a guest of the football half-time show. There, Halloween was approaching, so I dressed up as Halloween at the dance club and danced with Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” song. It was so fun!!

There were so many events this month and it was a very fulfilling month.

③アメリカ留学レポート Kさん


6日から9日にかけて、ワシントン州にある、Walla Walla University で行われたFall Classic というトーナメントに参加しました。バレーボールは今月でシーズンオフを迎えたため、その締めくくりのようなものでした。初日の朝早くに学校に集まって片道約6時間かけてスクールバスに乗って行きました。初日は6試合あり、夜の10時くらいまで試合をしました。実際に大学の寮に泊まって、友達だけで生活しているような雰囲気で、とてもわくわくして楽しかったです。次の日も3試合あり、夜にはVespersがありました。みんなで歌を歌ったり、聖書についてにもっと理解を深めるために話を聞いたりする行事です。その次の日は、sabbathだったのでみんなでまたvespers のために集まって、そのあと公園に行ってビーチバレーボールをしました。選手の家族も一緒にバレーボールをしたので、いつも試合でするバレーボールとは違う楽しさでした。

私の学校でハーベストパーティーというパーティーがありました。学校の近くにあるパンプキンパッチに行って、とうもろこし畑の迷路を楽しんだり、トラックに乗って農場を一周したりしました。他にもポテトやポップコーンを買ってみんなでシェアしたりもしました。学校に戻った後にはゲームをしたのですが、それがとても記憶に残っています。それはApple bobbing です。日本のパン食い競争に似ていて、桶に入ったりんごを自分の口で取るというゲームです。この日は、4人が挑戦していました。りんごは水のなかにあるので難しそうでした。日本にも似たようなゲームがあるということを話す友達がびっくりしていました。他にもご飯を食べたり、写真もたくさん取ることが出来てすごくいい時間を過ごしました。


I can’t believe it’s already been 2 months. The first quarter is over at my school. It’s suddenly cold in Oregon. We had a lot of events so October was a memorable month for me. I want to write about two of them.

I went to the Fall Classic at Walla Walla University which took place in Washington. It was like a tournament at the end of the season because our volleyball and soccer season is over in October. We gathered at our school early in the morning and rode the school bus for about 6 hours. In the first day, we had 6 games and played volleyball at 10. We actually stayed at the dorm. Therefore it felt like I was living alone with my friends, and I was very excited and had fun. In the next day, we had 3 games. Also, we had Vespers for the teams in the evening. Vespers is related to Christianity, focused on understanding more about God. We sang some songs and listened to the talk about the Bible. On sabbath, we went to the park and played beach volleyball with soccer boys and our family after vespers. It was different from playing volleyball as a game. After our last game in Walla Walla, I watched the championship game with my friends. It was such a good experience for me.

The second is about the harvest party. It is a party focused on the fall time of year when the weather starts to get cool, leaves turn colors, and fall crops are harvested. We went to the pumpkin patch and into a corn maze and rode the hay ride. Also, some friends bought popcorn or French fries and shared them with us. After going back to school, played two games. Both were my first time playing. I have one of the games I left an impression. It was Apple bobbing. Apple bobbing is a game people have to catch some apples in water with their mouths. This game was like a Pankui-Kyoso in Japan. Pankui- Kyoso is a game people catch hanged bread with their mouths. When I told my friends about Pankui-Kyoso, they were surprised about it. I had dinner and took some pictures with my friends. I had a great time there.

I need a lot of time to compare my experiences with other students, but my friends always help me so I can understand classes little by little. I’m glad to feel my growth. Also, I’m looking forward to my improvement in English.

④アメリカ留学レポート Kさん




2つ目はHappy Thanksgivingという行事です。これは日本にはない行事なので文化の違いに触れられてとても嬉しかったです。この週は月曜日と火曜日に学校に行き、水曜日から日曜日までお休みでした。なのでこの週には、家の掃除やクリスマスのための模様替えをしました。そしてThanksgivingの日には沢山の人が集まり、みんなでターキーやケーキ、様々なものを食べたり、子供たちと遊んだり、とても楽しい日を過ごしました。



I arrived in Oregon 3 month ago. I have done in my third month in the USA. There were a lot of big events this month. There are three.

The first is the end of the first semester at my school. If it’s divided into big, it’s a second semester, but if it’s divided into small, it’s a fourth semester. The first semester was raining in the state this month. There are only three months left. My grades are good! I didn’t take F. It’s the lowest and C. This is Forensic science. It test is very hard for me. But it’s my favorite subject. I want to do my best to get a B in the second semester.

The second is an event called Happy Thanksgiving. This is an event that is not found in Japan, so I was so excited to be touched by cultural differences. This week went to school on Monday and Tuesday, and it break from Wednesday to Sunday. So this week, I cleaned the house and remodeled it for Christmas. And on the day of Thanksgiving, a lot of people gathered and we all had a very fun day, such as eating turkey, cake, and playing with the children.

The third is dance. This month, I participated in the competition, not a halftime show. I also participated in TJGDC, but I was so nervous because the atmosphere was completely different. But after I finished the dance, I was glad that I was able to end with “fun”. In addition, we were able to win the first place in the jazz category! I entered the American dance club and had a lot of hardships in a completely different environment from TJGDC, but I’m very happy that I was able to shine so much in my first competition. We are also preparing for the competition in December, so please support us. We will all do our best and have fun so that we can tell you good grades next time!

It’s already the end of this year, and when I think that there are only 7 months left, it seems to be a long time, and I often think about it’s just a moment. I still have a long way to speak English, but I feel that I’m making steady progress. At this rate, I will do my best next month so that I can talk to more people and increase my knowledge.
