It’s been 9 months since I came to Canada. I’m surprised that I’ve been here for 9 months already! Spring has come and it became warmer and nice. There are many more birds and flowers. It’s great to go out.
My host mother took me to tulip festival in Ottawa. There were lots of colorful tulips and those were so beautiful.
And I went to poutine festival. There were about six poutine food trucks and each one was selling poutine and I bought one of their poutines. It was so good but, I was getting full and my friend ate my leftovers.
The family I stayed with while my host mother went out invited me to BBQ and I met their family. I ate delicious food a lot such as meat, cakes and potato salad. My stomach was about to burst.
I want to appreciate people like that family, my host mother and my teachers.
In French class, I did an assignment that I teach classmate something in French and I taught origami. Everyone called it origami in Japanese and no one calls it folding paper in English. I was nervous when I taught origami in front of people, but it was good that I could make it. Other classmates taught cooking, also origami and language. I thought it would be fun if I taught Japanese.
In drama class, our play is getting finished and we play scenes again and again.
I got confidence in English more. I am glad that I can understand English more. But I want to improve my speaking skill more. I’ll do my best in the rest of my life in Canada.
カナダに来てから9ヶ月経ちました。もう9ヶ月もいる事に驚きです! 春が来て、最近天気がとても暖かくなってとても良い気候です。鳥や花も増えてきました。外に出かけるのがとてもいいです。
フランス語の授業では、フランス語で何かをみんなに教えるプロジェクトがあり、私は折り紙を教えました。みんな折り紙のことを英語名のfolding paper と呼んでいなくて日本語のorigamiと呼んでいました。みんなの前で発表するのは緊張しましたが、やり切れて良かったです。